
Welcome to Kaunas

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 50 street art masterpieces.

Gatves meno galerija KristinaBanilop

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Džiazo gatvė Spalvų sodasLituanica Kėdainių simboliaiŠviesos nešėjas Positive dogO kodėl kolibris? (Why a hummingbird?)Motinos ranka (Mother's hand)Skliautas (An arc)Pasaulis - Vilniuje (The world - in Vilnius)Interrupted lives Rosian Bagriansky and her mom UntitledBurning stonesAt sunsetThe Last PassengerCarsCommunication is SacreCaring is SharingVillageBlue HouseJustwalkingEath. Water. Air. DainavaAčiū UntitledThunder (Zeus) StorkKaunas creative spiritsGrandmother Saying goodbye (Farewell) DavidLabas"Tires in the sky""Dadaist Mona Lisa in the 21st Century"Bicyclist with a roseUntitledThe fightIce diamondUntitledSquareCourtyard gallery UnicornThe lilac shall bloom againThe Pink ElephantYardThe old wisemanContemporary ladiesTowards the goalI‘ve returned home
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